Andrew Storfer

Genetic mutation drives tumor regression in Tasmanian devils

Genes and other genetic variations that appear to be involved in cancerous tumors shrinking in Tasmanian devils have been discovered by Washington State University scientists. The research is an important first step toward understanding what is causing devil facial tumor disease — a nearly 100 percent fatal and contagious form of cancer — to go away […]

NIH funding for Tasmanian devil cancer research

WSU biologist Andrew Storfer’s work on cancer in Tasmanian devils is one of eight studies awarded funding recently by the National Institutes of Health/ National Science Foundation’s Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program. Storfer is the principle investigator of an international collaboration with researchers in Australia that received $2.3 million from the NIH to […]

Tasmania Devil study seeks to understand infectious cancer

Andrew Storfer, an Eastlick Distinguished professor of biology, received a $2.25 million grant from NSF’s Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease program to study a fatal facial tumor disease in Tasmanian devils caused by a rare infectious cancer that is pushing the species towards extinction. Storfer, along with an international team of colleagues, will study […]