
Data analysis correlates local politics and LGBTQ+ student stress

Students who identify as LGBTQ+ in Washington state school districts with conservative voting records reported experiencing more bullying than their peers in more politically liberal areas, according to a new study from the Department of Psychology. “To my knowledge, nobody has really looked at this connection between a school district’s political attitudes and the experiences […]

Plastic waste has some economic benefit for developing countries

For decades, wealthy nations have transported plastic trash, and the environmental problems that go with it, to poorer countries, but WSU sociology researchers have found a potential bright side to this seemingly unequal trade: plastic waste may provide an economic boon for the lower-income countries. Yikang Bai (’15 MA, ’19 MS, ’20 PhD) and former […]

Similar values, different views

When it comes to wearing masks, partying, or just going to work at the office, Americans react a little differently based on which side of the political aisle they sit on. In a nationwide survey, WSU sociologists found both liberal and conservatives in the U.S. disapprove of individuals putting the health of their community at […]