
Digital archivist earns Mellon Fellowship

Anastasia Tucker, education and outreach archivist in the WSU Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation (CDSC), has been selected from a national pool to receive an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Heritage. One of only 15 fellows, Tucker will participate in a three-year program that includes an orientation, coursework through the […]

Chemistry at-home lab kits keep students on track

To help chemistry students complete hands-on lab requirements while transitioned to remote instruction due to COVID-19, the Department of Chemistry will provide home lab kits to students taking selected undergraduate chemistry courses during the Summer 2020 term. “Given the current ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ order in Washington state, we revisited the idea of lab kits […]

Hutton honored with Crimson Spirit award

Sophia Hutton, administrative manager for the School of the Environment, received a 2020 Crimson Spirit award in recognition of her creative problem-solving skills and outstanding service to her unit and the University. Hutton manages the  School of the Environment main office and staff, and assists the director and faculty, facilitates faculty searches, helps advise graduate […]

2020 MLK service awards

Chioma Heim, an undergraduate advisor in the Department of Psychology, and Aydan Garland‑Miner, a women’s studies major, were honored with Distinguished Service awards at the 2020 WSU Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. “This year’s recipients are blazing a trail through equity and inclusion issues with their creativity, hard work, and compassion for others,” said Allen […]

Veterans preserve history

The cool, high-ceiling basement room in College Hall is furnished in Spartan fashion. On this summer day it’s library quiet, but not by tradition or rule. It’s the natural product of deep concentration, as the lab’s three curation technicians, all student veterans, work their way through a collection of ancient artifacts. At a cluster of […]

Studio of notes

The first thing you might notice about the Washington State University recording studio is the silence. It starts when Dave Bjur, studio manager and chief engineer, closes the hallway door, sealing off the random din of the Kimbrough Music Building’s top floor. Then he closes a second door and a weird sensation settles into the […]

A point of reference

“There are oysters out there,” says Ed Bassett, “and they are good.” Out there are the mudflats of Henderson Inlet where a thriving community shellfish garden supplies delicacies for neighborhood parties and celebrations. Bassett (’89 Ed.) is standing in the eelgrass on the shoreline of WSU’s Meyer’s Point Environmental Field Station. He’s a science teacher […]

Annual awards honor faculty, staff, student achievement

Sixteen faculty, six staff, and six graduate students were honored for outstanding achievement at the 2019 College of Arts and Sciences Appreciation and Recognition Social earlier this month. Professor Mechthild Tegedar, an international leader in plant biology, and Gary Collins, a pioneer in the study of material defects, received the top two faculty awards. Chuck […]

Art for Social Change showcase and winners

The annual Art for Social Change Competition and Showcase shines a light on local artwork that express the significance of social justice, community building and black history. This year, accepted works were featured in a public exhibition in the Fine Arts Gallery 3 and awards presented by co-sponsoring departments across campus. Students from all campuses […]