WSU Pullman

E-DNA detection could cut pathogens in pet trade

As SARS-CoV-2 puts new focus on zoonotic pathogens, WSU disease ecology researcher Jesse Brunner  has developed a method using environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect disease in the vast international trade of aquatic animals. The problem with monitoring the pet trade is one of magnitude: every year more than 225 million live animals are imported into […]

Pandemic makes teaching abroad ‘surreal experience’

Thomas Preston, a political science professor and expert in international security policy, had just begun a four-month, Fulbright-sponsored teaching stint in Constanta, Romania, when the entire country was placed in lockdown and martial law was declared. It was early March, the coronavirus was threatening to become a global pandemic and the Romanian government was having […]

Psychologists study cannabis, PTSD relief connection

According to a recent study led by Carrie Cuttler, assistant professor of psychology, people suffering from post‑traumatic distress disorder report that cannabis reduces the severity of their symptoms by more than half, at least in the short term. Cuttler and her colleagues analyzed data of more than 400 people who tracked changes in their PTSD symptoms […]

Outstanding Seniors exemplify dedication to learning, leadership, service

In the College of Arts and Sciences, an Outstanding Senior is defined as one who has excelled in academic performance and in service to their department or school and to the University community. This year, 24 students were selected to receive the honor by faculty in their respective Pullman campus degree programs and the leadership […]

Flattening the curve with jazz

The WSU Jazz Big Band isn’t letting the global pandemic get in the way of delivering excellent big band entertainment. The award-winning group, directed by Regents Professor Greg Yasinitsky, put technology to the test to produce a video of the aptly titled composition, “Flatten That Curve.” In addition to the quality of the music, what […]

Interdisciplinary research on COVID-19 impact

Fifteen faculty and graduate student researchers from multiple colleges and campuses across the University recently joined forces to form the WSU COVID‑19 Infant, Maternal, and Family Health Research Collaborative. Spanning a variety of disciplines, including biological sciences, anthropology, and psychology, the collective already has a half dozen studies lined up to address critical questions related […]

SBS director earns WSU leadership honor

Listen to Pat Carter, recipient of the 2020 WSU Outstanding Chair/Director award, talk about the School of Biological Sciences for a few minutes and you’ll be ready to jump online and register for every course the school offers. “I see the role as creating an environment where students, faculty and staff can be successful” said […]

Exhibition studies students research presidential art collection

In 1935, Washington State College President Ernest Holland wrote to Charles Duveneck, the brother of American figure and portrait painter Frank Duveneck, who created a portrait of Charles in 1890. Holland had acquired the portrait for his personal collection. “I am fortunate to have been able to purchase the pastel portrait of yourself; and I […]

Crimson Spirit Award: Michelle Hendrickson

Michelle Hendrickson, a fiscal analyst with the School of the Environment, received a 2020 Crimson Spirit recognition. As one of her four nominators explained, “She is kind, tenacious, attentive to details, and displays a superior Crimson spirit. She maintains calm under pressure and exceeds all expectations, by continuously seeking knowledge to better serve the WSU […]