Perspectives on democracy, civility, security

The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, domestic threats to democracy, and the role young people must play in securing the future of the U.S. were among the topics discussed by former Secretary of Defense James Mattis during his Foley Institute Distinguished Lecture in March. At the heart of his remarks was the importance of cooperation, […]

From the verge of suicide to a life of purpose

People look up to former WSU and NBA basketball player James Donaldson (’79 Sociology) in more ways than one. That’s what his first book is about. Standing Above the Crowd explains his strategies for success in athletics, business, and more. A few years after its 2011 publication, though, a series of stressful events changed his outlook. […]

Archaeologist plays major role in UN climate report

There is perhaps no one in the Inland Northwest who understands the dire consequences laid out in the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report better than Tim Kohler, a WSU emeritus professor of archaeology and evolutionary anthropology. He holds the distinction of being the first archaeologist to contribute to an IPCC report […]

Any way you slice it

Who better than an expert mathematician to help celebrate the 14th day of the third month of the year, unofficially known as Pi Day for the numeric expression it shares with the the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle: 3.14.