WSU Pullman

Cowlitz Coug finds her voice

Shana Lombard distinctly remembers sitting on the bleachers as an elementary student at Chief Leschi tribal school and hearing ‘Education is knowledge. Knowledge is power.’ “Those words spoke to me and gave me the notion that education is beneficial for Native Americans, and we should pursue it. Most importantly,” Shana reflects, “no one can take […]

Textbook learning issues, literally

A Spencer Foundation grant for $50,000 is funding research into textbooks for Spanish-language classes and how those may help or hinder student learners. Anne Marie Guerrettaz, assistant professor of language, literacy, and technology in the College of Education, is the principal investigator, with co-PIs Nancy Bell from the Department of English, and Nausica Marcos Miguel […]

Plant science relationship growing across the Atlantic

WSU’s growing collaboration with Germany’s interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) is adding a global perspective to the University’s work to advance agricultural science and develop sustainable methods of food production. Earlier this summer, a WSU delegation of seven graduate students attended the annual International CEPLAS Summer School near Cologne and brought home awards […]

Who dominates the discourse of the past?

WSU researchers Tiffany Fulkerson and Shannon Tushingham set out to determine how a rapidly evolving demographic and professional landscape is influencing the production and dissemination of knowledge in American archaeology. Their study, published in American Antiquity in July, found that women, who now make up half of all archaeologists in North America, and professionals working […]

Four CAS faculty elected to state Academy of Sciences

In September, four CAS faculty will join the ranks of the Washington State Academy of Sciences, an organization that advances science in the state and informs public policy. “It’s a great honor that so many WSU scientists have been recognized by the Washington State Academy of Sciences,” said WSU President Kirk Schulz. “They’ll be contributing their expertise […]

New NMR director named

Zachariah Heiden, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been appointed as the new director of the Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy. The center provides access to state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation for users from across the WSU campuses and from outside institutions. The equipment is funded by grants from the National Institutes of […]

Dr. Universe: What’s the best story ever made?

Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years. At first, they told these stories out loud, then they started to write. There are more than a hundred million published books on our planet now and to find out which one is best, I visited my friend Matthew Jockers. He’s a professor at Washington State […]